Rare Bird Alert ⋆ Tucson Audubon Skip to content
7his update was made January 10, 2025. The next update will be January 17.

REPORT A RARE BIRD:  rarebirdalert@tucsonaudubon.org

Southeast Arizona Rare Bird Alert

The sequence of sightings in this report is not random. Species are listed by order of overall rarity within locality. The first locality mentioned contains the rarest species seen during the reporting period. Within that locality, species are mentioned in relative-rarity order or in taxonomic order, if relative rarity is the same, within sub-locality. When the sightings for a locality are complete, the rarest remaining species dictates which locality is mentioned next, and so forth. At any point when 2 or more species are of the same relative rarity, taxonomic order then determines the sequence in which the localities are covered. Consequently, the order in which localities are mentioned will vary from one report to the next.

Contributors are listed in the text. The spelling of names given over the phone is not guaranteed to be accurate. Any errors or omissions are unintentional.

SEVERAL IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS follow the sightings, including information on temporary closures and rules for access to other important birding areas. Abbreviation “m.ob.” = multiple observers. An asterisk (*) preceding a species name in the list indicates that it merits careful, full documentation. A pound sign (#) indicates that brief corroborating details are warranted.

See here for a list of review species in Arizona, i.e., species that the ABC considers “rare”.


A #EURASIAN WIGEON continued at the Faria Dairy pond (https://ebird.org/hotspot/L616368) this week (m.ob.). View from the road only.

#THICK-BILLED LONGSPURS continued at Lake Cochise by the Twin Lakes Golf Course this week (m.ob.).



A #GREATER SCAUP continued at the Amado STP this week (m.ob.).



At Patagonia Lake State Park (annotated map: http://goo.gl/GgNvs) #GREATER SCAUP and a #RED-THROATED LOON continued this week (m.ob.). A #YELLOW-BELLIED SAPSUCKER continued near the beach on 1/7 (Bob Meinke).

At the Patagonia-Sonoita Creek Preserve a #BROWN THRASHER, #RUFOUS-BACKED ROBIN, #VARIED THRUSH, #YELLOW-BELLIED SAPSUCKER and a #WINTER WREN continued this week (m.ob.). Annotated map: http://goo.gl/maps/0pXsd.

An #EASTERN PHOEBE continued along Harshaw Creek Road on 1/10 (Jake Thompson). GPS: (31.517, -110.693). A #WINTER WREN continued on 1/7 (C Hippenmeyer). GPS: (31.5147846, -110.6916875).



A #GREATER SCAUP continued at the Green Valley Country Club Estates this week (David Griffin).

In Madera Canyon (map: http://goo.gl/dXBYP), a #BERYLLINE HUMMINGBIRD continued at the Santa Rita Lodge through 1/6 (m.ob.). A #LOUISIANA WATERTHRUSH continued in the lower part of the canyon on 1/2 (m.ob.).

In Florida Canyon (annotated map: http://goo.gl/AAzD6), a #RUFOUS-CAPPED WARBLER continued this week (m.ob.). Directions: About 400 yards from parking lot is a metal gate, and just past the gate the canyon forks. The main trail follows the East Fork, but almost sightings have been in the West Fork to the right. About 125 yards up the rough trail in the West Fork is a large water tank and a low dam. The oak grove is about 1/3 mile past the dam. Note: The trail for the West Fork can be difficult to find, and is steep and rough in places. If you see the sign with distances to Florida Saddle, Madera Canyon, etc you’ve missed the turn. Do not enter the research station.

A #VARIED THRUSH continued at the San Martin de Porres Catholic Church at 15440 S Santa Rita Rd in Sahuarita on 1/9 (Kathie Brown) in the pecan trees east of the building; please be aware of any services in session.



A#YELLOW-BELLIED SAPSUCKER and a #CHESTNUT-SIDED WARBLER continued at Sweetwater Wetlands this week (m.ob.).

A #YELLOW-BELLIED SAPSUCKER continued at Columbus Park on 1/7 (m.ob.).

A #THICK-BILLED LONGSPUR continued at the Avra Valley WWTP this week (m.ob.). If the gate is locked, try the call box; gate is locked for the day at 2pm.



A #YELLOW-BELLIED SAPSUCKER was photographed at the west end of Aravaipa Canyon in Pinal County on 1/4 (Paul Heveran) near Aravaipa Farms. A BLM permit is required to enter the Aravaipa Canyon Wilderness beyond the parking lot.



A #YELLOW-BELLIED SAPSUCKER was photographed in a Hereford yard on 1/3 (Mike Baker).

A #YELLOW-BELLIED SAPSUCKER was reported along 3 Canyons Blvd on 1/5 (Diana Doyle).

At the San Pedro House, a #LOUISIANA WATERTHRUSH continued this week (m.ob.). A #HARRIS’S SPARROW was photographed on 1/8 (Steven Tracey) and continued on 1/10 (m.ob.).

An #EASTERN PHOEBE continued at the Hereford Bridge on 1/9 (m.ob.).

A #GOLDEN-CROWNED SPARROW was reported at the Battiste Bed & Breakfast on 1/8 (Tony Battiste).

A #GOLDEN-CROWNED SPARROW was reported from lower Carr Canyon on 1/8 (anonymous).



An #EASTERN PHOEBE continued at the Ajo STP this week (m.ob.).



A #BLACK-CAPPED GNATCATCHER continued at Arivaca Lake on 1/7 (Jake Thompson) in Cedar Canyon below the dam.


PORTAL & the CHIRICAHUAS (annotated map: http://goo.gl/maps/XfXfX)

#THICK-BILLED LONGSPURS continued along Community Road northeast of town this week (m.ob.). GPS: (32.013801,-109.063743).

A #COMMON GRACKLE was photographed on 1/8 in a yard near Horseshoe Canyon (Dawn Zappone).



A #LAPLAND LONGSPUR and #THICK-BILLED LONGSPURS continued from the Davis Pasture section of Las Cienegas NCA this week (m.ob.). Map: https://goo.gl/Pj9itL


TUBAC area (annotated map: http://goo.gl/maps/yDqi0)


A #PURPLE FINCH continued in a yard south of the Tubac bridge on 1/9 (Seth Ausubel).


TUCSON – Mosquito control operations are scheduled at Sweetwater Wetlands from 6:30-9:00 am on Mondays.  The gate will open when operations are finished. Roger Road WRF was closed as of 1/10/2014 and it is uncertain when access will be allowed again. See https://www.tucsonaz.gov/water/sweetwater-wetlands

The gravel pit at the south end of Renaissance Ave may be viewed from outside the fence, but do not enter the pit. Similarly, the fields at the intersection of nearby Indian Agency Rd/Los Reales Rd. may be viewed from the road, but the pit is posted “No Trespassing”.

GREEN VALLEY WRF – hours are variable, either 7am-2pm or 7am-3:30pm and it is open daily instead of only weekends as before. Protocol for visiting when open: use the call box at the gate, follow the signs for parking, and stay away from buildings and construction equipment. If you’d like to call ahead, you can try at 520-625-0025. Map

ASH CANYON BIRD SANCTUARY – open dawn to dusk EXCEPT Thursday, when open noon to dusk. Parking is limited; please carpool whenever possible. No need to call ahead.

PATAGONIA – Patagonia Ranch Estates has posted signs that say “No Hunting – No Camping – No Parking” but birders may continue to look along Circulo Montana for grassland sparrows according to Alan Schmierer (July 2017). This is the neighborhood on the west side of the Patagonia Lake State Park entrance road.

FORT HUACHUCA – is an active military installation and will suspend your driving privileges on Post for 30 days on your first offense for talking or using a cell phone while driving. You MUST use a hands free device. Current entry requirements (subject to change without notice): US citizens should be prepared to show photo ID (REAL ID compliant; see https://www.dhs.gov/real-id-public-faqs for details) for everyone in the vehicle at the entrance, and possibly your vehicle registration and insurance as well. In the past, foreign nationals needed an approved military escort; if this policy is reinstated, contact the base (520.533.7111), or possibly the Sierra Vista Visitor’s Bureau (520.417.6960) well in advance.

IMPORTANT: Ft. Huachuca has posted information on access requirements on its official webpage at https://home.army.mil/huachuca/ – look for the “Gate Information” tab on the left side of the homepage. Read the information at the “Visitors Access” button. If you click the “Installation Access Forms” button, you can see the information you’ll have to provide to get access. The Visitor Control Center is located at the Van Deman Gate on Hwy 90 and opens at 5:00 am. https://home.army.mil/huachuca/index.php/about/Garrison/DES/physical-security/access-control

ACCESS NOTE: Despite the signage, as of March 2016 Garden Canyon was indeed now open to vehicles up to the upper picnic area and foot traffic beyond this. As of late July 2016, it was reported that it was open all the way to the top.

SANTA CRUZ FLATS – Management at the Evergreen Turf Sod Farm has asked birders not to drive into the property (i.e., the 2750 road); birding from perimeter roads (i.e., Tweedy or Pretzer) is still fine.

BAIRD’S SPARROW HILL AND THE VACA RANCH CORRAL in the San Rafael Valley is off limits to birders due to the thoughtless actions of a few birders. DO NOT ENTER THE PROPERTY.  A sign has been posted previously stating that “stopping within 0.25 mile of the corral is prohibited.”

The Regional Wastewater Reclamation Department’s  security procedures and rules are subject to change any time. Please see this link for important information regarding access: http://www.pima.gov/wwm/about/pdf/birdwatching.pdf. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.

  • AVRA VALLEY WRF: Gates open at 6AM and close PROMPTLY at 2PM (do not linger, you will be locked inside). UPDATE: under construction; if the gate is locked, use the call box to request access (not guaranteed). Due to ongoing construction, birders are advised to call ahead at 520-577-7341 to check on access.
  • NOGALES STP: closed

California Gulch annotated map: http://goo.gl/wSr0mi

Ramsey Canyon: https://goo.gl/aMh1ke
Hunter Canyon https://goo.gl/CR4YXm

Portal annotated map: http://goo.gl/maps/XfXfX

Madera Canyon annotated map: http://goo.gl/dXBYP
Florida Canyon annotated map: http://goo.gl/AAzD6
Green Valley WRF: https://goo.gl/FA2TVJ

Patagonia Lake annotated map: http://goo.gl/GgNvs
Patagonia-Sonoita Creek Preserve annotated map: http://goo.gl/maps/0pXsd

TUBAC area
Tubac annotated map: http://goo.gl/maps/yDqi0
Puerto Canyon map: http://goo.gl/fRAa4A

Slaughter Ranch and San Bernardino NWR annotated map: https://goo.gl/uX96Pw


#Eurasian Wigeon

#Greater Scaup

#Red-throated Loon

#Berylline Hummingbird

#Yellow-bellied Sapsucker

#Eastern Phoebe

#Winter Wren

#Black-capped Gnatcatcher

#Rufous-backed Robin

#Varied Thrush

#Gray Catbird

#Brown Thrasher

#Chestnut-sided Warbler

#Louisiana Waterthrush

#Rufous-capped Warbler

#Clay-colored Sparrow

#Harris’s Sparrow

#Golden-crowned Sparrow

#Thick-billed Longspur

#Lapland Longspur

#Common Grackle

#Purple Finch